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Resources for Domestic Violence in Washington State
Domestic abuse is traumatic, emotional, and confusing. You may feel desperate to get out but fearful to leave. The decisions are complex, the future is uncertain, and the pain is real. When the dynamic begins to change at home, your partner’s abusive behavior may escalate and they may become “unhinged”. There are many options to support those managing an unpredictable and volatile situation.
The time of separation can be the most dangerous time for victims of domestic abuse. Separation assault occurs when your abuser learns they have lost control of you. There is key information that is important to know, as you work to safely extricate you and your children from an abusive environment. Be judicious and wise in your actions as you plan your escape.
Help Is Available
There are many supportive and helpful resources in our community. Sometimes it takes time, patience and several calls to find the help that is right for you. Click on the links below to learn more.
– If you feel afraid for your personal safety, or that of your children, 911 should be your first call— this includes verbal threats. There is no shame in contacting the police.
– Make local law enforcement aware of your current situation. At a safe time, visit your local police precinct. Share with an officer the location of your home, describe your current situation, provide the history of violence and/or threats, physical description of your partner, vehicle(s) and any/all weapon(s)— details, current photos are helpful.
– Try to minimize contact with your partner, via text, phone and in person. Ongoing communication incites increased tension, and provides opportunities for more abuse to occur. Refuse to engage… short, factual communication with no emotion is best– you are not responsible for their happiness.
– Minimal contact regarding logistics should be the only reason for communication during this tenuous time. Written communication with your partner is far preferable to verbal, and email is preferable to texting, for a variety of reasons. Remember, keep your communications short and factual.
– If your partner has a history of abuse (emotional, psychological, verbal or physical), try not to be alone with them. If you have shared custody of minor children, try to have a friend, neighbor, or family member with you during times of transition. This takes advance planning, but can decrease the trauma on you and your family, as assaults (verbal or physical) are less likely to occur when an adult witness is present.
– Quietly reach out to a small group of friends, neighbors and family. Explain to them your family’s current situation, so they can be alert and will notice if things are “off”. Ask them to check on you and your children and to be aware of anything unusual. This is an important part of your support network.
Resources for support:
- Emergency: 911
- Find a Domestic Shelter: SEARCH HERE
- LifeWire Crisis Line: (425) 746-1940 / (800) 827-8840
- King County Crisis Line: (800) 427-4747
- Mary’s Place: (206) 245-1026
- Safe Horizon: (800) 621-4673
- Northwest Family Life: (866) 427-4747
- Northwest Justice Project: (206) 464-1519 / (888) 201-1014
- National Coalition Against Domestic Abuse (24 hours): (800) 799-7233
- On-Call Therapist: text 741-741
- Project DVORA – Jewish Family Service: Project DVORA Domestic Violence Services
- Virtual Support: Schedule Help On Demand
National resources for specific needs:
- Suicide: (800) 273-8255
- Bullying: (800) 420-1479
- Self-Harm: (800) 366-8288
- Sexual Assault: (800) 656-4673
- Lifeline: (800) 784-8433
- Grief Support: (650) 321-3438
- Depression: (630) 482-9696
- Drug / Alcohol Abuse: (877) 235-4525
- Eating Disorders: (630) 577-1330
- Mental Health Support: (800) 442-9673
There are currently 11 domestic violence and abuse shelters and programs in Seattle, WA with 7 offering a hotline and 4 offering emergency shelter. Outside of this city and still nearby, you can also find help at these 26 domestic violence and abuse shelters and programs in places like Bellevue, Burien, and Tukwila. If you have questions, consider reading these domestic violence facts and statistics, our archive of 1019 domestic violence articles, recommended books on domestic violence, or these insightful stories about domestic violence survivors.

I am dedicated to helping people have a voice and advocate for themselves through one of the most difficult times in their lives.
Miryam Gordon is a passionate Limited License Legal Technician (LLLT) who is dedicated to helping families in the State of Washington advocate for themselves during the most difficult times. With more than a decade of experience advising and assisting people going through divorce, child custody, modification of child support or parenting plans, contempt, and other family matters, Myriam has helped hundreds of people fight for what’s important to them.
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Email: info@lllt4familylaw.
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